grey squirrel

(Sciurus carolinensis)

Charismatic and agile mammal native to North America that was introduced to the UK in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is known for its distinctive grey fur, bushy tail, and acrobatic abilities, such as leaping between trees and running along power lines. While beloved by some for its charm and intelligence, the grey squirrel is also considered a pest and a threat to the UK's native red squirrel population due to its ability to outcompete and transmit diseases to its smaller cousin.

brown rat

(Rattus norvegicus)

Also known as the common rat or Norway rat, is a ubiquitous and adaptable rodent that is found throughout the UK and much of the world. It has brown or grey fur, a long tail, and pointed ears, and can grow up to 25 cm in length. It is also intelligent and social, with a complex social hierarchy and the ability to learn from other rats.

grass carp

(Ctenopharyngodon idella)

They are not native to England, but they have been introduced to some waterways for aquatic vegetation control and as game fish. Grass carp in England are typically found in still or slow-moving waters, such as lakes and ponds, and can grow to impressive sizes of up to 30 kg. While they are not considered invasive in England, there have been concerns about their impact on native species and ecosystems, and they are closely monitored and managed by the Environment Agency.



In England is a vital pollinator and plays a crucial role in the country's ecosystem and agriculture. There are around 250 species of bees (including the honeybee) in the UK, including the honeybee, bumblebee, and solitary bee. Bees are known for their intricate social behaviour and their ability to communicate with one another through complex dances. Unfortunately, bee populations in England have been declining due to habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change, which has sparked efforts to protect and conserve these important insects.



They are important pollinators of wildflowers, garden plants, and crops, and are known for their distinctive buzzing flight and the loud hum produced by their wings. Unlike honeybees, bumblebees live in small, underground nests and produce honey but only for their young. They are valued for their ability to improve the health and productivity of many plant species. In recent years, bumblebees in England have faced threats from habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change, making efforts to conserve and protect these important pollinators more critical than ever.


(Pieris brassicae)

Are the larval form of the Large White butterfly species found in England. These caterpillars are known for their distinctive appearance, with a bright green body and a series of yellow stripes along their sides. Large White larvae feed on brassica plants, such as cabbage and broccoli, and can cause significant damage to crops if left unchecked. However, they are also an important food source for birds and other animals.

Garden Snail

(Cornu aspersa)

Is a common species of land snail found throughout England and much of Europe. Garden snails are herbivores, feeding on a variety of plant materials such as leaves, flowers, and fruits. Despite their reputation as slow-moving creatures, garden snails are surprisingly agile and can move at a pace of up to 1.3 centimeters per second. They are also hermaphrodites, possessing both male and female reproductive organs, and can lay up to 80 eggs at a time.

Garden spider

(Araneus diadematus)

These spiders are known for their elaborate webs, which they use to catch insects and other small prey. While garden spiders are venomous, they pose no threat to humans and are considered beneficial to have in gardens, as they help to control insect populations. In the autumn, female garden spiders can be seen laying egg sacs containing hundreds of eggs, which will hatch the following spring.

“Wild animals are not property, commodities, or things. They are sentient beings who have evolved over millions of years as part of Earth's biodiverse community, and it is our responsibility to respect and protect them for the benefit of all life on this planet.”

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